Saturday, December 12, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

This week our reading and videos were focused on the connections we make with people, our relationships and the help and guidance they give us. Again we had a lot of good material to learn from, but what really stood out to me was President Monson’s talk called, “An Attitude of Gratitude”.  In this talk he focused on the particular people in our lives that we should be mindful of and grateful for. He shared a particular example about a Sunday school teacher he had that stood out to me. She actually volunteered to teach their Sunday school class. He spoke about how interested she was in each of the students and her enthusiasm in teaching the material. He spoke of the wonderful lessons he learned from her during her time in that calling. She had such an impact on those young people that many years later, the prophet of our church was speaking about her, showing his gratitude for her example. This made me think of all of the people in my life who have spent the time to do so much for me and impact my life for the better. I have had many who have touched my life, and I know there are some who do not know that. The following quote was quite motivating to me:

“We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. If ingratitude be numbered among the serious sins, then gratitude takes its place among the noblest of virtues.”

Sometimes I am guilty of being negative, but I know that is an ungrateful state of mind. Reading this quote, (along with the rest of this talk), reminded me that I need to keep an attitude of gratitude, and be sure those who have helped/are helping me in this life know how grateful I am for them. My best friend’s dad said something to me once that I will never forget, “Sharon, this life is about the people.” I know that is true and that by showing gratitude we can forge strong bonds in our relationships with others.

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