Friday, October 16, 2015

How Do I Find My Passion?

This week the video by Randy Komisar titled, “How Do You Find Your Passion and How Do You Pursue It?” stuck with me the most. He proposed the idea to think about a “portfolio of passions” rather than trying to focus on one passion to pursue. I had never thought about it this way. Why can’t we have more than one passion? As a way to pursue that passion, he encouraged his listeners not to focus on the horizon, or the final mark we will make but rather what direction are we going now? He said to focus on what are values are, and what we care about. He said that in order to pursue our passions we should marry them with the opportunities in front of us right now. This approach makes so much sense to me. He had talked about how trying to find one passion and focusing on the horizon and how paralyzing that is. The approach he presents gives a more realistic way of finding what our passions are and pursing them. This made me think of my portfolio of passions, some of which include: the gospel, my family, accounting and finance. These are just the few that came to mind. If I think about the opportunities I have in front of me, I know many people not of this faith that I can share the gospel with. I have a husband and a son at home. I have a part time job in accounting. I have opportunities right in front of me to pursue my passions! I can magnify my callings at church and work harder to share the gospel with others. I can find better ways to serve my husband and son and make sure that I am doing everything I can to make sure they know I love them. I can work to develop my accounting and finance skills so that I can take my job outside the home to the next level. Watching Komisar’s podcast really helped me start to figure out what my passions are and how best to pursue them.

The podcast entitled, “A Hero’s Journey” was also quite impactful. Some key take-aways from it were:

-       We all have special missions here on this earth if we have the faith and the courage to find our Entrepreneurial callings.
-       The hero’s journey is all about you, but not about you at all.
-       Live every moment like it matters.
-       What matters most isn’t the prize at the end but how the hero has changed in the process
-       Learn to live a life of meaning
-       Find great role models and ask them great questions.
-       Being world class at something matters

What struck me the most were the answers that the group of people over sixty would give when they were asked what mattered most to them about their accomplishments in life. Almost all of them had 3 questions:
-       Have I contributed something meaningful
-       Was I a good person
-       Who did I love and who loved me.
Nothing about money or fame was mentioned. Remembering these 3 questions really help with staying on track, living a life of meaning and becoming the hero. 

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